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Classical Chroma Porphyreos Violet A light pink bedroom with the blanket on the bed with hues of blues, small bursts of greens and pops of pinks as well as a Porphyreos Violet blanket hanging on a peg with pink blanket stitching

Classical Chroma Porphyreos Violet

from £610.00
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Classical Chroma Kyaneos Deep Dark green wood panelling with pink velvet and linen cushions. The Kyaneos Deep blanket is folded with blocks of greens, blues, corals and pinks with bright papaya stitching.

Classical Chroma Kyaneos Deep

from £610.00
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Classical Chroma Lampros Azure Bedroom with hedgerow cushion which complimented with the Lampros Azure blanket. A blanket  is hanging on a peg and one is spread on a bed.

Classical Chroma Lampros Azure
